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“Monday Blues? What’s that?!” Know the benefits of Corporate Training!

The labour market is expected to remain tight until the end of the decade, creating challenges for recruiting and retaining employees. Enhancing employee productivity is a key strategy to navigate this difficult environment. There are three main approaches to improve productivity: better tools, better training, and better management. This article specifically examines how training can boost employee output.

Training can often hinder productivity, as many corporate employees have experienced tedious sessions that fail to enhance their skills and only detract from their work time. True value lies in providing the right training to the right employees at the right moment.

Choosing the most beneficial training is akin to upgrading tools to improve productivity. It’s essential to combine employees’ insights about their needs with expert advice. Additionally, effective training not only aids employees in their current roles but also prepares them for future responsibilities.

The approach to training will differ depending on whether a task is performed by one individual or by a team. For example, a company may have hundreds of customer service representatives but only one treasury manager. In the case of a larger group, gathering feedback through a sample of conversations can help identify perceived training needs. For unique roles, individual discussions are necessary.

When initiating these conversations, managers should emphasise their intent to support the employee rather than express dissatisfaction with their current performance. While some employees may articulate the specific training they require, many may struggle to identify their needs. In such cases, supervisors should focus on discussing tasks that seem to take an excessive amount of time, either in execution or in achieving the desired outcome.

This is where knowledge of training resources becomes crucial. The manager, or another knowledgeable individual, should pinpoint the training that would best assist the employee.

For groups, it’s important to recognize that not everyone will need the same training. For instance, when implementing a new software system, a uniform training programme may be appropriate at first, but some employees will grasp the material quickly while others will require more time. Tailoring training plans to meet individual employees’ needs and abilities can enhance productivity without wasting valuable time. In the customer service context, some employees might benefit from improved product knowledge, while others may require better listening skills. A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works effectively.

Why Training is the Key? Insights from Studies

Research indicates that training is crucial for productivity:

  1. 86% of high-performing organisations effectively use learning to boost employee productivity, compared to 55% of low-performing organisations.

  2. Learning technology contributes significantly to workplace efficiency:

    1. 72% of employees report an increase in technical skills.

    2. 60% note improvements in the quality of services and products.

    3. 43% see conservation of time and resources.

Organisations can be categorised into three groups based on their training practices:

  1. 45% believe they have effective processes in place.

  2. 35% struggle to maintain any training processes.

  3. 20% fall somewhere in between these extremes.

The Growing Recognition of Training

Businesses worldwide are increasingly acknowledging the importance of training. By fostering a culture of learning, organisations empower employees to acquire new skills, feel valued, and unlock their potential.

Benefits for Employers:

  1. A strong training programme can lead to more engaged employees.

  2. Enhanced retention rates and the ability to attract top talent.

  3. Improved overall business results.

Investing in the right training not only enhances employee productivity but also contributes to a healthier, more resilient workplace culture. Adopting these strategies can create a win-win situation for both employees and organisations.

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7 October, 2024