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How To Increase Your College Placements?

Training and Placement Officers, we often come across situations where we have to wear multiple hats and think from the management point of view , college brand market while empathize from the real

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digital transformation - the new normal

Digital Transformation – The New Normal

If the pre-coronavirus environment was quick enough, the luxury of time now seems to have vanished entirely. Businesses that used to plan their digital transformations strategies in one- or three-year

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How to manage time effectively?

How to Manage Time Effectively

Both Individuals and companies suffer from poor time management techniques, resulting in loss of productivity, poor performance, loss of revenue, and health issues among employees. Here are some tips

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journey to your dream job

The Journey to Your Dream Job

The journey to your dream job and getting hired by your dream company is a long and challenging one. It is normal to have many doubts and questions along the way. People are unsure about how to proceed

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