A journey towards attaining greater peace of mind and happiness With Multiple assessment methods and therapies In pursuit of self-exploration and self-discovery
Why counselling ? As per WHO estimates, 56 million Indians suffer from depression and another 38 million Indians suffer from anxiety disorders. With the impact of covid 19 pandemic globally, everyone has been affected physically and psychologically. Education has been completely transformed from an offline to an online medium, which has led to increasing complaints of teachers about stress and anxiety. With so much workload in their professional and personal lives, it has become difficult for them to maintain their mental wellbeing. Counselling is the need of the hour as it will act as the psychological first aid to relieve distress and prevent teachers from developing more serious mental health issues.
How do we help ? Our program includes a step wise approach:
Individual Counselling Workshop: Here in, we will curate a more personalized session and therapy techniques to help you relieve distress and anxiety. It will be tailor-made to suit personal needs.
1. Lastly, we will provide a self-support guiding document that will help maintain your mental wellness daily.
Our counselling services provide an end-to-end solution starting from recognizing the issues you face to helping them with various therapies and techniques. It will help everyone gain different perspectives and remind them that they are not alone. In light of this current pandemic, we recognize the need for individuals, especially educators, to cope with their emotional and psychological concerns.
In this digital era, our services will be accessible to everyone who want to take care of their own mental health needs and requirements. So don’t worry. We will guide you on every step you take.